Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer

Author: Gregg Braden Category: New Thought ISBN: 9781401906832 Binding: Hardback Dimensions: 168 x 117 x 23 mm Number of Pages: 224

In this book, Braden describes this ancient form of prayer that has no words or outward expressions.

Gregg Braden

For more than 20 years, Gregg Braden, a New York Times best-selling author, has searched the remote monasteries of Egypt, Peru, and Tibet for the life-giving secrets that were encoded in the language of our most cherished traditions. His work has led to such pioneering books as Fractal Time, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. Gregg’s work is published in 17 languages and 27 countries and shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom.

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