Human by Design: From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice by Gregg Braden

Human by Design invites you on a journey beyond Darwin’s theory of evolution, beginning with the fact that we exist as we do, even more empowered, and more connected with ourselves and the world, than scientists have believed possible. * * * In one of the great ironies of the modern...

ENTANGLEMENT by Gregg Braden

A Tales of Everyday Magic Novel

DEEP TRUTH by Gregg Braden

Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Faith

Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer by Gregg Braden

In this book, Braden describes this ancient form of prayer that has no words or outward expressions.

The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden

Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our lives and our world