Angel Answers Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

Author: Radleigh Valentine Category: Card Deck, Mind-Body-Spirit ISBN: 9781401959241 Binding: Card Deck Dimensions: 5.3 x 3.8 inch Number of Pages: 44 cards + 112 page guidebook

Reissue of a best-selling oracle card deck with Radleigh Valentine as the sole author, with edits to the guidebook and cards to make it even easier to use. Radleigh makes it simple to receive and understand your angels’ messages with this oracle deck, beautifully illustrated by Marius Michael-George.

Previously published as Angel Answers Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

Sometimes, you need a simple and to-the-point answer to your questions, such as “Is it ‘yes’ or ‘no’?” and “When will I get that job, meet my soul mate, move to a better location, and so on?” This card deck offers you trustworthy guidance when a short-but-sweet response is required. Radleigh Valentine, the best-selling author of Angel Tarot Cards, offers 44 beautifully illustrated cards and step-by-step instructions in the accompanying guidebook. In this revised edition, the guidebook and cards have been updated to make them even easier to use so you get the clarity you’re seeking. With Angel Answers Oracle Cards, you’ll clearly receive your guardian angels’ direct and loving messages.

Radleigh Valentine

Best-selling author Radleigh Valentine has created 8 divination decks and 3 books and is published in more than 20 languages worldwide. He has presented at more than 100 events in 10 countries and also works with thousands of students a year via his online school. Blending humor with spiritual poignancy, his teachings enchant audiences with the message that each and every one of us deserves to live a magical life. Website:

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