Soul On Fire

Author: Peter Calhoun Category: Mind-Body-Spirit ISBN: 9781401917487 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 226 x 140 x 23 mm Number of Pages: 192

Soul on Fire is a magical collection of stories describing the awakening of spiritual powers of an Episcopal priest turned shaman

Peter Calhoun

Peter Calhoun is a former Episcopal priest who has followed the path of modern shamanism for nearly four decades. He has taught an accredited course in shamanism at Boulder School of Psychology and in a number of community colleges and is currently traveling throughout the United States for book signings, lectures, and workshops on the subjects of shamanism, healing, and personal empowerment.In addition, Peter offers an apprenticeship program for in-depth studies of modern shamanism. He and his partner, Astrid, are cofounders of an international Alliance for Spiritual Ecology. During the warm seasons, they take groups of adults out into wilderness areas for vision questing.

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