Psychic Healing

Author: Sylvia Browne Category: ISBN: 9789380480268 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 230 x 150 Number of Pages: 236

Sylvia Browne now gives us a marvellous book on self-healing. Largely made up of actual research trance transcripts from her guides, this book is a must for those who have chronic physical problems but who cannot find relief from conventional medicine. It

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia began her professional career as a psychic on May 8, 1973 with a small meeting in her home. Within one year her practice had grown very large and she decided to incorporate her business as the Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research. Wanting to make her work as professional as possible, then as now, Sylvia maintains required business licenses, is a member of a national consumer protection agency, and donates a lot of time to charitable organizations and working with police. Her business has remained in the same general vicinity since beginning her work.

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