Loyalty to Your Soul

Author: Ronald and Mary Hulnick, Ph.D. Category: ISBN: 9781401927288 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 226 x 152 Number of Pages: 256

Loyalty to Your Soul establishes Spiritual Psychology as a paradigm-altering frontier. It initiates a radical shift at the core of contemporary psychological thought by unveiling a technology for using everyday life experiences as rungs on the ladder of spiritual evolution. This book is uniquely suited for anyone seeking to discover and cross the bridge that spans the waters between life referenced in material reality and life lived within the context of spiritual reality.
Loyalty to Your Soul shows you how to first gain access to, and then gradually learn to live from, that sacred place inherent within everyone, referred to by the authors as the Authentic Self

Ronald and Mary Hulnick, Ph.D.

H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D., and Mary R. Hulnick, Ph.D., are world-renowned pioneers and innovators in the emerging field of Spiritual Psychology. As founding faculty and co-directors of the University of Santa Monica, the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, they have developed and continue to facilitate USM’s innovative Master’s degree Programs in this field. Their work is highly experiential and seeks to assist students in discovering their own answers to life’s essential questions.

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