It’s The Thought That Counts

Author: David R. Hamilton, Ph.D. Category: ISBN: 9781401911683 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: Number of Pages:

The idea that form follows thought and feeling is not a new one to mystics, but quantum physicists have now shown that this to be a scientifically proven reality. A massive shift in peoples understanding is occurring to take the implications of this on board and integrate it into our lives. Trained chemist David Hamilton’s interest in this topic was inspired by the field research tests he conducted for chemical companies. Realising that placebo tests produced comparable results with the sample that received the actual drug, David set about understanding why. His research has resulted in this accessible and extraordinary book, in which he has assembled all the research to create a convincing and inspiring case for the power of compassion and kindness to really make a difference in the world.

David R. Hamilton, Ph.D.

David R. Hamilton acquired an honors degree in biological and medicinal chemistry, and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry before working as a scientist in the pharmaceutical industry for several years. His research into the mind-body connection ultimately led him to leave that profession and become a motivational speaker. He went on to co-found an international relief charity, and he appears regularly in the media. He spends most of his time writing, giving talks, and leading workshops.

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