Author: RAJESH TALWAR Category: History, Politics & Current Affairs ISBN: 9789381398494 Binding: Paperback-with flaps Dimensions: 216 x 140 Number of Pages: 264

In the Nirbhaya case too the gap between theory and law has been highlighted. Following the terrible episode, (and even before) there has been continual and great improvement in the substantive laws for both women as well as children who have been victims of sexual violence. And yet despite their being so much publicity on the case, the author argues that, concretely, although there has been improvement in the laws themselves, we are nowhere near better enforcement or implementation. Even after the institution of a fast track trial, and with the nation


Rajesh Talwar studied Negotiation at Harvard, Human Rights Law at Nottingham, and Law and Economics at Delhi University. He has worked for the United Nations on legal and justice-related issues in Somalia, Liberia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Timor-Leste. Prior to working for the UN, he practised law and taught law at Delhi University and Jamia Milia Islamia. He is the author of more than a dozen books, many of which are available and listed at

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