An Indigo Celebration

Author: Lee Carroll Category: Mind-Body-Spirit ISBN: 9781561708598 Binding: Paperback Dimensions: 211 x 127 Number of Pages: 224

More Messages, Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children. An Indigo Celebration is a collection of stories, articles, and additional insights into the Indigo Child phenomenon. This inspiring book celebrates these special kids

Lee Carroll

The year 1989 was the turning point for Lee Carroll when the first psychic told him about his spiritual path, and then three years later when the second unrelated psychic told him the same thing! Timidly, the first writings were presented to the metaphysical community in Del Mar, California, and the rest is history—a total of nine metaphysical books were released in a seven-year span. There are now over a half a million books in print in 14 languages. Lee and his spiritual partner, Jan Tober, started the “Kryon light groups” in 1991 and are now hosting meetings all over the globe.

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