The Secrets Of Life by Stuart Wilde

A collection of excerpts and quotes taken from Stuart’s current books and his as-yet unpublished writings. They form the basis of his ‘alternative philosophy’, which has attracted such a large readership over the year.

The Trick To Money Is Having Some! by Stuart Wilde

Stuart shows you that money is merely a form of energy – and that the difference between having it and not having it is merely a small but subtle shift in consciousness.

The Trick To Money Is Having Some! by Stuart Wilde

Stuart shows you that money is merely a form of energy – and that the difference between having it and not having it is merely a small but subtle shift in consciousness.

Whispering Winds Of Change by Stuart Wilde

Stuart shows that through quieting the ego and creating a rotation out of the three-dimensional world of external reality to the fourth dimension of the inner being, we can offer serenity and healing to ourselves and the rest of the world.