Sixth Sense by Stuart Wilde

In this groundbreaking book, Stuart Wilde brings to light new and compelling information about the sixth sense, which he defines as sacred energy that taps you into the state of all-knowing. You will learn ways to discover the sixth sense/etheric point of view for yourself. The transition comes about when...

The Art of Redemption by Stuart Wilde

For decades, modern seekers have experimented and studied with many diverse teachers and religions, but Stuart Wilde says in that toward the end of a long spiritual journey we all seek the same thing: redemption. None of us is perfect, and yet through embracing that imperfection and reconciling it, we...

The Force by Stuart Wilde

The Force that Stuart describes is magnanimous beyond description – perhaps you might want to call it God. It is growing, dynamic, and has an inner drive or desire to become more of itself.

The Little Money Bible by Stuart Wilde

Presents the ‘Ten Laws of Abundance’ which reveal the psychological aspects of money and the deeper metaphysical secrets of prosperity, showing how to be rich as well as spiritual.

The Quickening by Stuart Wilde

The Quickening deals with the power of the ancient Warrior-Sages, and it teaches you etheric (Life Force) and psychological techniques for consolidating your energy.