Beneath a Vedic Sky: A Beginner’s Guide to the Astrology of Ancient India by William R. Levacy

Learn how to identify the most salient features of Vedic astrology, how to interpret a birth chart Vedic style, and how to use this information to enhance your life. Enter the fascinating world of Vedic Astrology, an ancient system of study that originated in India thousands of years ago. Vedic...

Mystical Traveler by Sylvia Browne

How to Advance to a Higher Level of Spirituality

Spiritual Connections by Sylvia Browne

Have you ever wondered why some relationships are wonderful and others are just catastrophic and tragic? Why do we get along with some people and with others just seem to constantly engage in bitter fighting? In this fascinating and helpful book, internationally renowned psychic Sylvia Browne examines why we form...

The Missing Years of Jesus by Dennis Price

The Greatest Story Never Told

Creating Inner Harmony by Don Campbell

Whether we sing, hum, or just inwardly