THE MIND OF THE GURU by Rajiv Mehrotra

In The Mind of the Guru, Rajiv Mehrotra presents dialogues with several contemporary sages and masters who have illumined the minds of millions around the world. Ranged here are gurus as diverse as B. K. S. Iyengar, who brought yoga from the world of the esoteric to our living rooms;...

Power Up Your Brain by David Perlmutter

The Neuroscience of Enlightenment

Angels Please Hear Me by Jenny Smedley

‘Do you believe in angels, but wonder why yours never seems to hear you? Are you tired of watching others leading lives full of joy, while you have to struggle through each day? Do you long to win the lottery so that you can change your life, but always end...

Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body by Denise Linn

A 28-Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality

What If? by Eldon Taylor

The Challenge of Self-Realization