TAPPING INTO ULTIMATE SUCCESS by Jack Canfield, Pamela Bruner

How to Overcome Any Obstacle & Skyrocket Your Results

How Successful People Win by Ben Stein

Using 'Bunkhouse Logic' To Get What You Want In Life

The Soul Loves the Truth by Denise Linn

Denise Linn believes that you don

Emerging Women by Ione Jenson, Julie Keene

Interviews with more than 50 emerging women, with a strong feminine spirit, that delineate the distinguishing traits of emerging women and provide clear-cut steps for unfolding your own potential.

Dawn Breslin’s Guide to Superconfidence by Dawn Breslin

Have you ever had the feeling that somewhere inside you there’s a well of untapped potential and that things could be different if you only had just that little bit more courage and strength? If so, Dawn Breslin has created this new book on SuperConfidence just for you. It’s guaranteed...